Why Do I Have Dark Circles
Understanding the cause of your dark circles will help strategize the treatment plan. What’s causing your dark underage circles?
Fix What Summer Left Behind with These New Image Treatments
You had the colossal sun hat, the cute, post-swim cover-up, and the sunscreen that went on like toothpaste—yet somehow those pesky red or brown spots still managed to creep in! Maybe your skin feels dehydrated, some new fine lines have appeared, or you noticed you have hair in places you’d rather not see! Yes, the summer sun is fun but what it leaves behind...not so much.
Why Forever Young BBL Is Your New Favorite Treatment
You've often heard me say, we can't stop aging, but we can slow down the evidence of the aging. Well, this has changed! Now we have Forever Young BBL (FYBBL)! Not only can an FYBBL treatment regimen reduce the appearance and evidence of aging, but a study from Stanford University now validates that Forever Young BBL produces change at the molecular level by enhancing the expression of longevity-related genes in aged skin cells. What does that mean? Essentially, the aging process is reversed and returns skin to a genetically more youthful state!