If you're in your 60s, 70s, or 80s (and beyond), you might have started wondering: "When am I too old to get work done?I truly believe age is relative! I know some 60-year-olds (eek, that's younger than me!) who act and look much older, and it's all about how they feel! I also know some 70+-year-olds that look and act 50 (and not because they've had any treatment). How we age depends on how we take care of ourselves—but that's a discussion for another time!Ultimately, you're never too old to get work done so long as you want it done and you're healthy! Bear in mind that some auto-immune diseases, undergoing chemotherapy, or taking blood thinners (like Coumadin) will prevent or limit our ability to safely treat you.That's what my 86, nearly 87-year-old mother-in-law did! I've shared previously about her experience with Botox and her friends' reactions when she returned home last September! She was sold! When she was here over Christmas, Dr. Madsen gave her some volume loss replacement with the Juvederm family of products (facial fillers). I think you will agree to look at her pictures below that changes are obvious! Best of all, she feels better! 

Before Facial Fillers


After Facial Fillers

 So, there you have it! How you feel about aging is very personal. But above all, I'd say we are thankful for all the years we can get! I've heard women say they've decided to do their best to age gracefully and take what comes, and that's wonderful! I've also heard some say they will fight the evidence of their aging as long as possible! But only you can decide what's best for you.If you're in the fighting camp, we'll be glad to work with you to create a treatment plan for your goals, lifestyle, and budget! Give us a call at (740) 774-7444 or send us a note to schedule your consultation!P.S. Here's a testimonial from another 79-year-old client:"I get Botox and only my daughter-in-law and daughters know I get this treatment. My son came to my house to help me and told me: "Mom, you don't look 79 years old; you don't have one wrinkle!" I laughed and said, "It must be my night cream!" (wink wink). 


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