Healthy inside and out.
In the 15+ years that New Image has been treating clients, we have come to notice that while clients leave our office feeling confident about their skin, they frequently struggle with symptoms and chronic conditions that keep them from thriving in all aspects of life. At our partner practice, Madsen Medical, we offer patients an integrative approach to their health; meaning that we aren’t satisfied with prescribing pharmaceuticals as a way to mask symptoms but work with you to discover the root cause of a symptom or condition and fix that. Madsen Medical’s integrative and holistic approach is built on Dr. Madsen’s 30 years of medical experience and has evolved to fill a gap in healthcare that isn’t being filled by the status quo.
If you’d like to learn more about Madsen Medical and how our team hopes to empower you to take back your health and your life, visit our website or chat with us at your next visit.