How Guys Can Be Rugged, But Look Youthful With a BBL Treatment

Listen up, guys—despite what you might think: you can be masculine and rugged but still look like a gentleman! You can enjoy youthful-looking skin that doesn’t show the signs of aging or the sun without being any less of a man! And this is precisely why we are seeing more and more men coming into New Image for aesthetic treatments. Men aren’t shying away from learning just how easy it is to look more vital, masculine, and all-around handsome.

So, whether you’re troubled by wrinkles, look a little tired, have facial redness, Rosacea and age spots, or uneven skin tone—many non-invasive treatments can improve the condition of your skin.

BBL: Why Guys Can Be Rugged, But Look Youthful

BBL (Broadband Light Treatment) is one of the top five treatments for men at New Image when it comes to correcting visible redness, small vessels, and sun damage spots on the face. 

There’s no downtime, it’s non-invasive, and you can still keep your manly, rugged nature (if that’s you!), but work on keeping your appearance as young as possible.

For most men, a treatment or two for correcting browns or reds at least two weeks apart is great! For those men wanting to stay ahead of the aging and sun-damaged skin curve, a BBL treatment done every four to twelve weeks is ideal. And as the treatments progress—you’ll start to notice smoother skin with improved texture, a more youthful tone, and reduced redness. 

Real Men. Real Before & Afters.

Here are some recent before and afters from some of our wonderful New Image men who are on a mission to use BBL as a way to bring their skin to a younger the cellular level. Did we mention that?! When done in a Forever Young protocol as a maintenance treatment after correction is achieved, BBL has been studied over a nine-year timeframe at Stanford University and was found to bring the skin to a younger state at the cellular level. Whoa!

Before BBL

After First BBL Treatment

After Second BBL Treatment

Depending on your lifestyle and exposure to the sun, repeat treatments may be necessary to continue correction. 

Before BBL

After BBL

You can also treat both browns and reds as shown here and after receiving correction, start with the Forever Young BBLannual package  

...and if you want to see another option—this gentleman had a Forever Young BBL followed by a Halo Pro! Now, who doesn’t like these results!? 

Before BBL + Halo Pro

After BBL + Halo Pro

So gentleman, it’s not too late! If all-round handsome is how you want to look (and feel!), contact us for a consultation (in a no-pressure environment) to discuss how BBL treatments might help to diminish skin discoloration brought on by sun damage, those pesky age spots, veins, redness, and improve the overall texture of your skin. We can’t wait to help you be your absolute best!


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