Rebecca came to us for the first time in 2012 looking for a fix for her sun damage and redness. We started in with BBL treatments—Rebecca loved her results! 

This year Rebecca came back to us saying “I want a smoother, more youthful complexion. When it’s over I’m hoping I can use less foundation and concealer. I want to be less self-conscious.” She’s an avid horse racer and spends a lot of time in the sun, so even with sun protection, these issues will pop up over time. Our recommendation for Rebecca was to have another series of BBL treatments. She responds beautifully to this treatment and with the chief complaint of discoloration, BBL is the ideal solution. 

BBL uses wavelengths of intense light to treat an array of unwanted skin conditions. It will diminish skin discoloration brought on by sun damage and age spots and has also been shown to reduce pore size and improve the overall texture of the skin. The treatment activates pigmentation and brings the damage to the surface of your skin so, in around 7-10 days it will all flake off. After this process, the skin will be brighter and more uniform in color. 

After her first treatment, Rebecca said she felt some burning for about 40 minutes but has otherwise been feeling great and recovery has been so easy. “After about 7 days all the brownies (brown spots) were gone and gorgeous baby-skin was looking back at me from the mirror. The change was spot on!”

After receiving 2 BBL treatments, Rebecca said “I feel so confident now and comfortable. I don’t need any makeup to even out my discolored skin.” Greatest results from BBL treatments are seen after a series of treatments, and with the use of physician-grade skincare.


CoolSculpting: A Client Story


Kybella: A Client Story