Kybella: A Client Story

Melissa had attended Girls' Night In 2019 and received other treatments at New Image for about a year before she decided to pursue a treatment for her double chin. "I look at my face, and the first thing I notice is my double chin."

At New Image, we offer two treatments to eliminate a double chin; CoolSculpting and Kybella. Melissa was a better candidate for Kybella because of the size of the area she wanted treated; it was on the smaller side, and Dr. Madsen could better finetune the jawline using Kybella. Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injection treatment that destroys fat cells. The active ingredient in the injection is deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body. It aids in the breakdown and elimination of fat. When Kybella is administered into the fat under the chin, it destroys fat cells forever. So, once the cells are destroyed, they can no longer store fat. Once a client sees the desired results, it isn't expected that they would need further treatment unless, because of weight gain, any remaining fat cells become filled.

When we asked Melissa about her experience during treatment and recovery, she said, "The first round of Kybella injections were a little more painful, but it's more of a burning sensation than real pain. It does dissipate rather quickly. The other two rounds of injections were not as bad as the first. I did swell and had some minor bruising, and it felt numb for a few days. It was totally tolerable, and I didn't feel it was really noticeable either. No one ever asked me what happened to my neck, so that's good, right!? So recovery for me was a breeze." Generally, we see that after a Kybella treatment, clients experience numbness and swelling for 5-7 days. It's possible that numbness can persist for up to a month after treatment. 

"I definitely see results! I love looking at my before & after pictures; they are very impressive. I feel I have more of a youthful-looking neck and jawline. Which is exactly what I was going for! I highly recommend the Kybella procedure. It works!" We are thrilled with Melissa's results, and we are so glad she is too!

Results vary. Melissa's after pictures were taken after 3 treatments of Kybella.


BBL: A Client Story


Forever Young BBL: A Client Story