Amy had been a client for a couple of years before starting Forever Young BBL treatments. She first came into the office looking for something to reduce facial redness. We recommended a BBL, and she had great results. But when we premiered the Forever Young BBL at the 2019 Girls' Night In, she was curious about the treatment. "Dr. Madsen explained the process and the reversal effects it had. It made me think, at my age, this was something for me." Amy came back in, and during her consultation, we discussed how a few years post BBL treatment, her redness had returned, and she was starting to see brown spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. "I love to spend time outside but try to take care of my face by wearing sunscreen and a hat; however, I'm still prone to freckles and age spots." We knew that a series of Forever Young BBLs would be an excellent treatment for Amy.

We recommended a series of 3-4 treatments done throughout the year. The magic of the Forever Young BBL is in the consistency. The treatment corrects facial redness that results from vascular issues and brown spots from sun damage. But when done in a maintenance fashion, it combats fine lines and wrinkles and shrinks pores. Even better, a 12-year study out of Standford University validates that Forever Young BBL enhances the expression of longevity-related genes in aged skin cells. This means that it is essentially reversing the aging process and returning skin to a genetically youthful state. Another perk of this treatment is that it is less aggressive, so there is virtually no downtime, and easy to fit into a busy schedule.

While ongoing Forever Young BBL treatments yield the best, long-term results, Amy says, "After each treatment, I noticed right away that my freckles and veins in my face were less prominent. However, the real proof was when I saw the before and after pictures."

Amy is seeing great results, and we can't wait to see how her skin continues to progress! "I've decided to continue because I really like the results and what I see. I've had a lot of compliments on my face, so I know this is definitely for me and something I plan to keep up."

Results vary. Amy's after pictures are after her 3rd or 4 scheduled Forever Young BBL treatments.


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