CoolSculpting: A Client Story

Before and After CoolSculpting

Chelsey came to New Image because she was getting married! “I’ve always been insecure about my ‘pudge’...with my wedding around the corner, and having a form-fitting dress, I knew I needed to do something fast! I wanted my dress to fit and to feel more confident.” We love all our clients, but this was a special situation, and the kind of story we love—Chelsey was the perfect candidate for CoolSculpting. 

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive treatment used to reduce inches, not necessarily pounds, although it’s ultimately a side effect. It was developed to reduce pockets of fat that are resistant to weight loss and exercise and to sculpt the area to smaller and smoother proportions, but it is also used for clients who are on weight loss journeys as a motivator and encouragement to press forward to their smaller, healthier size.

Before CoolSculpting

“Going into my first session, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I wasn’t nervous, but once we got started, I was surprised that it actually was a little uncomfortable. But it wasn’t unbearable, and after a while, I didn’t feel it as much.” During a CoolSculpting treatment, a gel pad and applicator is applied to the targeted area. Controlled cooling is delivered to the area where the fat cells are frozen and then die. Over the next one to three months, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates the dead cells to remove them from your body permanently. Clients usually report feeling a cold sensation when treatment begins along with some pulling, tugging, and mild pinching, but these effects typically subside within 10 minutes as the area becomes numb. After treatment, you may be tender to the touch with minor bruising for up to five days.

“Following my final session, my belly was pretty tender, but not unbearable...then for a couple of weeks, I felt the tingling sensation. It felt like a buzz or itch you couldn’t get too. I personally liked this feeling because I knew the frozen fat cells were falling off. When I didn’t have this feeling, I was concerned it wasn’t working anymore, but it definitely was. Pictures don’t do (the results) justice.”

Chelsea received 6 CoolSculpting cycles in total. “The first couple of months after my treatment felt the best for me! My belly didn’t feel bloated. I felt thinner and more confident. Along with treatment, I also dieted and exercised, and combined, I have lost 20 pounds. My dress fits again!” 

After CoolSculpting

Chelsey says, “Diet and exercise wouldn’t have been enough to help me feel confident in my dress again, and I’m so grateful that I did it. I would, and plan to, do it again in the future. Trust the process, make the sacrifices, and it will work!”

We were thrilled to be able to help Chelsey get to a place where she felt confident and beautiful on her wedding day. If there is ever a day when a woman should feel her most beautiful, it’s the day she is married.


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