What Can We Do About Crepey Skin?

Crepey skin could almost be considered a hallmark of aging. But that doesn’t mean we must like or live with it. 

Here is a little fact: crepey skin is not the same as wrinkly skin. Although similar things can cause them, they are different. Wrinkly skin is primarily a result of aging when elasticity is lost. So, the skin stretches out and wrinkles with movement. Crepey skin could be caused by medications or weight loss, and to a certain extent, it comes with age, but most of the time, 95% of the time, it is caused by UV damage over extended periods. It affects layers of your skin, causing a crepe-paper appearance.

The UV damage that our bodies take from the sun as we spend years gardening, going to sporting events, going to the pool or the beach, and just being outside without adequate sun protection causes some severe damage. And if you aren’t protecting your skin, you could start seeing it early in life (like in your 30s).

We see crepey skin when the body starts to lose collagen, the cushion layer of the skin, and the elastin protein that regulates skin elasticity. A clear picture of elastin is when you see a child scrunch up their face, and everything bounces back perfectly. The less elastin you have causes that bounce back to take longer.

Your body will start to make less collagen and elastin at age 25. UVA and UVB damage speeds that process up.

So, how do we minimize damage or backtrack if we already have it?

1. Wear sunscreen.

2. Invest in strong products formulated to help maintain and improve your body’s collagen and elastin production.

3. Consider treatments to backtrack the damage you already have.

Procedures At New Image Laser Skin Center To Erase Crepey Skin


Profraction is a laser treatment we offer that effectively stimulates your body’s collagen production. The laser creates tiny channels in your skin. As it heals, the skin constricts or tightens and grows new skin that behaves younger because it is! The fresh new skin has more collagen and less damage.


BBL Hero is the latest in light therapy, and our clients are experiencing impressive results with this quick treatment! The light that comes from BBL changes the expression of genes associated with aging. When treated with BBL, the skin looks and functions like younger skin. You may also hear BBL referred to as IPL. Know that there are differences in the machines, the quality, and the results.

Radio Frequency

Radio frequency is a method of treatment that heats the skin. When used on its own, it can cause more damage than benefit. The results can be quite good when paired with other treatment types, like microneedling, especially when compared to either treatment used alone.


Products At New Image to Support Youthful Skin

Pro-grade skincare works better than over-the-counter products, so we recommend them to our clients. How does it work better, and how can we prove that?

  • Pro-grade products are highly studied and tested, more than their OTC counterparts.

  • Pro-grade products contain higher percentages of beneficial active ingredients.

  • Pro-grade products are formulated to penetrate the skin at deeper levels to be more effective.

Alastin Transform Body Treatment

a. Specific for the body to address crepey skin, firmness, and skin laxity.

b. Contains TriHex Peptide Technology to stimulate new collagen and elastin production.

c. Penetrates deeper layers of the skin and naturally increases hyaluronic acid to help hold moisture.

HA Immerse Serum

a. Formulated for the face to hydrate and smooth the skin instantly.

b. Uses Octapeptide-45 to penetrate deeper layers of the skin and naturally increase our body’s hyaluronic acid production to help hold moisture and plump the skin.

Restorative Skin Complex

a. Specifically formulated for the face

b. Includes L-Ornithine and Hexapeptide 38 to help restore volume to thinning skin and to improve elasticity.

c. Contains TriHex Peptide Technology to stimulate new collagen and elastin production. 

As much as we look forward to the day that a single treatment or product could be a miracle fix, that isn’t reality. When we meet with clients, we often create a treatment plan that looks more like a journey because we see the most significant results when clients commit to a series of treatments over time and pro-grade products to support the skin along the way.

Just an FYI, we offer Memberships to allow our clients to achieve their skin goals without waiting for a sale. Our Ageless Membership provides access to anti-aging treatments at lower prices and product discounts. It’s the ideal Membership for someone ready to combat signs of aging and start feeling confident and youthful again!

Call us to schedule a consultation at (740)774-7444 or email us at info@newimagelsc.com.


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