An Injectable Moisturizer? Yes!

An injectable moisturizer. You’re reading that right! Juvederm just launched the first and only product of this kind, SKINVIVE.

This is a breakthrough treatment because there is truly nothing like it. We have topical products that apply moisture, facial filler for the deep layers of the skin but nothing that addresses that in-between dermal layer. Skinvive is a skin-quality product made with hyaluronic acid and is formulated to support Aquaporins, a key component of hydrated skin. It is injected into the dermis of the cheeks to offer smoothing of fine lines, hydration and total glow for up to 6 months with a single treatment.

Roxy had the treatment as we were testing out the product. After about 9 days, she started to see the diminishing of fine lines around the mouth and a brightening of her skin. Two weeks later Trisha received her Skinvive treatment so stay tuned for updates on the results we are seeing! Watch the treatment on social.

Call for pricing and to schedule your appointment!


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