If you're thinking about how to get summer-ready, here are 6 treatments that are our top strategies to get a boost inside and out! 1. CoolSculpting For Warmer Weather & Fewer Clothes Stubborn fat in areas that don't seem to budge even with weight loss and exercise can be reduced and sculpted with CoolSculpting! Start now–it's a process of reduction over time as your body naturally eliminates those pesky storage units of fat.2. EMsculpt For A Tighter, More Toned Bathing Suit SeasonIn just 4 EMsculpt treatments (full results seen 4 weeks after the final treatment), you can experience stronger, tighter abs, glutes, biceps, triceps or calves. 3. Laser Hair Removal For A Smooth SummerStart a hair loss treatment plan now if you're tired of shaving, waxing, or plucking. Treatments are purchased in a package of 5, with each treatment had 4-6 weeks apart. You won't be "done" by summer, but you'll be on the way and seeing a significant reduction with each treatment.4. Luscious LipsHyaluronic acid lip fillers such as Vollure (an 18-month product), or Juvederm Ultra, (a 12-14-month product) work great to bring the lovely or luscious back to your lips! 5. Flutter-Worthy LashesLatisse is the only FDA-approved eyelash enhancement product that, over a 16-week treatment cycle, increases length, fullness, and darkening. A simple drop to the base of each eyelid daily is required. Rest assured, there are no reports of eyelashes breaking or a visible change in eye color (when used for eyelash enhancement). 6. No More Veins – The Shorts & Capris Are Back!Spider veins are pesky, undesirable AND treatable. They are seen in family lines and often made worse when standing for long periods of time on a hard surface. We offer various treatments to correct them so you can feel confident in shorts for the summer. Lots of ideas, lots of options! We stand ready to help you find your confidence and feel summer-ready!–Roxy


Lips, Lips, Lips


April Specials