Reflections on 2020 from Roxy and Dr. Madsen

2020, wow! We are leaving this year understanding that perspective is everything!

Like everyone, we have many thoughts about this year! We've experienced much uncertainty, disruption, disappointment, and even fear. Our pastor has been teaching on this each Sunday summing up the impact of this year so well. We can relate to much of it and know that our perspective carries us through; how about you? 

We have ridden the roller coaster of a pandemic and a presidential election, wondering from one week to the next will New Image be open or will we be closed. Will we travel or will we staycation? Will businesses survive, or will they not? Will we attend church in person, or will we join online? Will our presidential candidate be elected, or will he not? Will we have holidays, birthdays, and celebrations in person or virtually? And most importantly, will we be safe and stay healthy, or will we or someone we love be sick? And yes, the oft unspoken fear by many, will we survive if we do?  

As we are in the medical field, we have had countless conversations with our New Image clients and Dr. Madsen with his medical patients, all with so many questions, and I think we know there is no one answer, but there is always perspective, and that guides our steps.

As always, we are grateful for so much! We are thankful for the amazing immune system that protects us. For a healthy family, all who have worked through the pandemic. For the SBA programs that were there to get us through the uncertainty of mandated closure. And we are incredibly thankful for our clients! When the pandemic hit, our initial perspective was that we would be scratched off the budget list, and understandably so! But our clients supported us with their loyalty, and we found that our services were still needed and wanted. And as a small business, we couldn't feel more fortunate to have survived the year as we have!

We have enjoyed (safely) servicing your esthetic needs through this season of uncertainty! We are grateful for your sensitivity and consideration in canceling or rescheduling when you were symptomatic or "exposed," for wearing masks when mandated regardless of your thoughts on their effectiveness, and as always, for living life with us and sharing your experiences along the way! Many of you have had difficulties and challenges and have overcome them. Your perspective made a difference! We love doing what we do. It brightens our days to help our clients feel better and more confident and hopefully encourage them to value themselves aside from the flaws they see.

As so well stated by Bess, Dr. Madsen's mother, "I am not afraid of COVID! I will wear a mask, social distance, and be careful, but I will live life with those who matter to me! I'm 88 years old! When my time comes, it comes." Here she is at the end of her 13 week stay in Chillicothe while recovering from a severe pelvic fracture, surgery, and rehab. She persevered through uncertainty, disruption, disappointment, and at times fear, BUT her perspective and determination carried her. She is now back at home in Iowa and living independently again!  

Dr. Madsen penned his thoughts on 2020 as well:

We are all aware of the emotional rollercoaster our world has been on over the past year. It seems our national confidence, cooperation, and kindness have been pushed into the shadows and overtaken by mistrust, separation, anger, and greed. BUT our new life lesson appears to be taking shape. A surprising number of individuals are overcoming and adapting to emotional, financial, and physical problems. The glass of water is no longer half empty but half full.

Increasing numbers of our clients show up at their appointments with new stories, new outlooks, and new optimism. Interest in our community and local organizations has steadily increased. Concern over our local businesses is a priority. Friendships with neighbors and work associates are resulting in small groups hanging out. Since vacations are on the back burner, more people are taking to fixing up the house and yard. And people are focusing more on their health and overall appearance. After all, if more "safe" socialization is on the be prepared!  

We remain pressing through, gaining new perspectives, hearing things like, "This is the perfect time to have something done since I live in a mask, and I Zoom all the time and see myself. Help!" Whatever your reason to continue to see us, we are grateful!

Let's always remember that life is good, although uncertain, and our blessings are still there if we choose to look for them. Perspective!  

We wish you all the best in the new year! We are praying that the end of the pandemic is in sight and we can all come out of this emotionally, physically, and financially healthy. But we are grateful for the lessons learned this year. Thank you again for your loyalty and for sharing your lives with us! See you in 2021!

-- Dr. Madsen and Roxy


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