Halo Pro For Scarring: A Client's Story

We first met Jaquay years ago when she came into our office struggling with scarring from cystic acne. She had recently had her first child and had never had acne before. She says, "I don't know if it was hormonal, but my face was covered in red bumps and acne." She did a round of Accutane, and once her skin was clear, she was left with deep scarring. That's where we come in. 

The unfortunate thing about scarring is that it is seldom completely eliminated, but it can be minimized. We knew Jaquay would see improvement in the depth of her scars with a Halo treatment. Halo is our gold-standard skin resurfacing treatment. It's a laser treatment that addresses not only scarring but lines and wrinkles, visible vessels, brown spots, and redness. After receiving treatment, clients are left with brighter, tighter, softer, and more youthful-looking skin. 

Halo provides at least a 50% improvement to the skin, but results can vary depending on the condition of the skin before treatment and how aggressive you're willing to allow the treatment to be. At its core, a resurfacing treatment is a controlled and intentional wound. It can be painful to undergo, and it takes time to heal. But we find that clients can endure for the result. It's worth it!

Before treatment, Jaquay says, "I'm just hoping that they will be less. I'm aiming for anything that will lessen their appearance." 

When we asked Jaquay about her Halo and how it felt, we heard what many clients report: it wasn't comfortable, it was hot, it burned. But she says, "immediately after the procedure, it wasn't as bad as I expected. It felt like an intense sunburn. It looked a lot worse than it felt."

The initial recovery period for a Halo treatment is about seven days. "The first four days, I didn't want to go anywhere. Days two and three, I was really red, and then my skin started flaking, which is all part of the process. At seven days, I slathered on my HydraTint, put on a big hat and sunglasses, and comfortably went to the grocery store." she says. "Recovery definitely took some patience on my part. And I had to be diligent with aftercare. Honestly, (initial days) recovery was the worst part. But once my skin started flaking, and I saw my new skin peeking through, I had high hopes. And that was the best part."

After the initial seven days, Jaquay was hopeful, but at two weeks was feeling like she didn't see the change she had hoped for. At her two week follow up appointment we talked more about the recovery process and how the skin heals. After a week, clients see new pink skin, but it's actually over the next six months that the changes really occur. 

Halo Pro recovery process days 1 - 4

Halo Pro recovery process days 5-7

So where is Jaquay at six months out? "I see a significant difference in the size of my scars! I didn't expect them to disappear completely; they were so deep, but I wanted them to be visibly less noticeable, and I achieved that with Halo. And my pores are smaller! When I look in the mirror, I don't see them (my scars) as much, and that's a huge confidence booster."

When Jaquay thinks about her Halo results and what she'd like to focus on next with her skin, she thinks about her wrinkles. "I'd like to treat those with Botox or filler." And we can tell you, that is a big deal. When you have acne or scarring, to get to a point when you don't think about it and see other things when you look at your face, it feels like a big win.


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