Roxy’s 2018 Personal Reflections

2018 is nearly behind us and many of us find ourselves thinking and/or saying, “How can it be? Another year nearly gone!”  And we are once again reminded that we’ve enjoyed the blessing of another year.What has transpired in your year?  Have you made a significant change in your life? Or has life brought significant change this year? Either way, I hope you can appreciate the blessing of this year.Our family has expanded by one this year with the addition of our 4th grandson by “blood” (and 6th grandson by “love”—more about that below!).  His name is Jacob Lee and he is without a doubt a blessing to his mom and dad, our daughter Tiffany and her husband Matt. His three older cousins think he is the best and love to entertain him when we’re all together:) Here is a picture.I know some of you have enjoyed additions to your families as well, either by births or by marriages! I love seeing their pictures so don’t hesitate to share them when you come in!Grandson #3, Finn, son of Noah & Nicole, had the misfortune of falling and breaking an arm.Four weeks later, he is cast free and back to normal. Whew! I think it was harder on mom and dad than Finn! You parents understand!! Gavin, grandson #2 has come out of his artsy self and joined big brother in the athletic world. He has taken on golfing, gymnastics, AND ice hockey (oh dear, was my response when I heard of the ice hockey. . .)! Which of these sports will become his favorite has yet to be seen;) You can imagine which sport(s) this mammaw feels the best about! Lol Our first and eldest grandson, Lucas, now 11, enjoys basketball and this year added football (oh dear oh dear!! lol) to his activities. In his first flag football season, he was given the “best team player” award. He was not the strongest player on the team but his character and team camaraderie encouraging his teammates and never missing a practice or a game stood out. Are we proud? Of course!  More importantly, we just had the joy of watching him get baptized of his own accord as a demonstration of his decision to follow Christ! Wow!! An over-the-top gift for sure!!! We have enjoyed a couple of visits with Dan’s mother this year all the way from the northwest corner of Iowa:)  She has been blessed with 86 years to date and loves being around her family! She also enjoyed a HydraFacial while here AND a round of Botox! Her report back was that three of her friends in one morning came up to her to tell her she was looking better than ever!  A bit baffled she was tickled when she remembered she had just had a Botox treatment! Lol! So ladies, we’re never too old to see the benefit! (This picture was before her Botox :) )We will soon be enjoying a visit from our two grandsons “by love” from Mexico. They and their parents will be spending the week of Christmas with us again. We still marvel at how our lives crossed so many years ago in 2002! They are a huge blessing!! So as you can see my most memorable moments revolve around family as I suspect they do for you too, and of course there are too many to include! I did manage to get Dr. Madsen away for an entire week this year! If you didn’t know, I”ll tell you now—that’s a BIG deal!I’m going for TWO different weeks in 2019!!! One week to celebrate with some dear friends the marriage of their youngest and our god son! The second week to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary!  I’m sure it will be wonderful and I’m sure I can convince him of the same! (A little backup and encouragement from our amazing clients is always appreciated:) lol)Aside from the blessing of another year coming, we look forward to being there for you with your aesthetic needs:)  We enjoy catching up with you and your blessings, and yes, sometimes the challenges in your life! Encouraging one another is always the best way to live life! Looking forward to more blessings with you! Let’s not forget to count them!!


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