7 Benefits of Halo You Didn’t Know

When you think about Halo Pro, think of the three Ts: tone, texture, and tightness. Sun spots, wrinkles, and acne, Halo Pro is capable of so much more than you might realize. Read on to learn the 7 benefits of Halo you didn't know about!

1. Shine Bright

After a Halo treatment, light will no longer get sucked into the damaged dull layers of your skin but will reflect off your skin—so you’re literally brighter than you were before.

2. Glow On

As you age, your skin tone naturally becomes dull with a yellowish cast. With Halo Pro your skin tone changes from dull and yellow to a lighter, softer, more even tone, reducing the yellow cast and bringing the youthful glow you once had!

3. Tighten + Increase Volume

You know those areas you complain about the most: lines and wrinkles around your mouth and eyes? Well, when we thicken the dermal layer underneath, the outer layer wrinkles lessen. Halo Pro will help you smooth out your skin while diminishing your signs of aging. It can also tighten your skin dramatically, reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles and reducing the appearance of volume loss.

4. Healthier Skin, Please Step Forward!

When it comes to your skin, smoother is always better! Old, damaged outer layers of skin are removed so that new fresh healthy skin comes forward.

5. Deepens Collagen Layers

The collagen layer that gives your skin its plump look will be restored to a healthy thickness to the supporting structure of your skin. With Halo Pro, the collagen layer will increase in depth over time—diminishing lines and wrinkles.

6. Sends Reds & Browns Packing

Paired with BBL to reduce reds or collections of browns, the Halo Pro greatly reduces the evidence of those years and the sun damage that came with them. Whether it’s reds from vessels or brown from over-production of melanin (or both), they’re sent packing, clearing the way for that light-reflecting glow that comes with a Halo Pro.P.S. Want to ratchet up the improvement? Get a Forever Young BBL with your Halo Pro

7. Move Over, Scars

You can dramatically improve acne scars with a Halo Pro treatment. Think of a scar as a “rut” in the road—if we fill it, we can then smooth it. Our skin is stimulated on a deeper level to increase collagen from the inside out, bringing volume back from the under-layers while we smooth the outer layers equals scar reduction! Pre Halo Pro + Profraction                                                    3 Months Post Halo Pro + ProfractionHalo Pro also takes less time (consider that your fourth T) It takes less time to recover from Halo than other resurfacing treatments. On average 3-5 days with the use of our Alastin Procedure Enhancement kit and Alastin HydraTint to give you protection and a bit of cover for that new pink skin!


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