Makeup: Do you love it? Do you hate it? Why do you wear it? 

There is a day (maybe multiple days) dedicated to #NoMakeup. Did you know that? There is a whole social media culture around posting pictures with no makeup (and no filters). You just as you are. Embracing your “flaws” because they are a part of who you are. Beautiful and valuable. Bucking cultural expectations about what women should look like. I am woman, hear me roar, and value me for more than my appearance. 

Roxy and I were recently having a conversation about the idea of #NoMakeup. We both agreed that makeup is one of those things we have a love/hate relationship with. We don’t necessarily always want to wear it but love it when we do. 

What's Your Relationship With Makeup?

I remember wearing makeup every day because I felt like I had to, so that my acne wasn't so obvious however, I never liked how it looked. I was trying to hide my skin. And not ever fun. Who wants to put makeup on everyday but never like the way you look in it? I know this is the truth for other women too. You wear makeup because you feel like you have you can’t be seen without it. For other women, it is something fun. You wear some mascara because it brightens your eyes and blush because it brings youthful color to your cheeks. That’s a more ideal relationship to have with makeup. One of choosing. Enhancing your natural beauty. Not one of requirement or need.

At New Image, we believe that all our clients are beautiful and valuable as they are. But, we also understand the importance of being comfortable in your own skin and that looks different for everyone. Our goal is to always have our clients leave our office feeling confident in all their forms - messy bun and no makeup at the grocery store, or date night ready. So, how can we help you love the skin you’re in? Here are some treatments that are going to help combat some of the reasons why you might “have” to wear makeup.

New Image Treatments for #NoMakeup

Forever Young BBL

This treatment will tackle skin discoloration (redness and brown spots), pore size, and wrinkles. A series is always the best option to maintain results and to see continued improvement. Forever Young BBL has actually been proven to reverse signs of aging with regular treatment. We like this treatment for clients on a quarterly basis for the best results.

Halo Pro

This is a resurfacing treatment that checks a lot of skincare boxes. It will reduce lines and wrinkles, and help stimulate collagen production in your skin, diminish pore size, minimize discoloration, and provide an overall brighter skin tone and texture.

Facial Filler

This treatment is used for SO many things (diminish deep wrinkles, give volume to the lips) but in the case of going without makeup, if dark undereye circles are your concern, facial filler will diminish the shadows brought on by volume loss so you don’t feel the need to layer on the concealer and undereye brightener. 


When HydraFacial becomes a regular part of your skincare routine, you’ll see brighter, more hydrated skin (achieving that dewy glow) along with decreased pore size. Well-hydrated skin will also be less likely to break out and show wrinkles.


If your current skincare regimen is making you happy, keep it up, but if not, let’s talk about it. We carry Alastin and SkinMedica skincare lines because we believe in the results and we use the products ourselves. Good, quality product will help clear damaged, aged skin, and support the production of elastin and collagen, reduce inflammation, and maintain the effects of your treatments over time.

Body confidence, self-confidence, looks different for everyone. And that is ok, even good! We see this play out in the office: Some clients want minimal intervention and are just looking for some help to gracefully slide into their later years; other clients want the works in an effort to wind back the clock as far as we can crank it. Some clients just want to keep their skin healthy with HydraFacials and product; some want to achieve that flawless complexion. Wherever you are on this scale, we’re here! Let us help you achieve #NoMakeup - today and every day - just at home or out for the world to see your beautiful, makeup-free face.


Does Stress Damage Your Skin?


The 5 Top New Image Treatments for Men