The Pro-Fix For Your Tired Eyes

You look tired”—these three little words are some of the hardest ones to hear - especially when you aren’t, and you’ve taken time and effort to do what you always do—get out the concealer and put on your glasses. Maybe they won’t notice!That’s the usual approach, but even when you have on the perfect outfit, your hair is falling in all of the right places, you’ve got your favorite cup of coffee–and then someone looks at you and asks, “Why do you look so tired?Sigh!You’ve tried every product under-the-sun it seems and still there’s just no hope! Well, that used to be the case, but now you have options that actually deliver results. Here’s how you can begin to combat “tired face” and get your outside reflecting your energetic inside:

Dark Undereye Circles—Try Facial Filler

The cause: Often dark circles (AKA the raccoon look!) under the eyes are caused by volume loss which leads to what we refer to as “troughing”.The Pro-Fix: Injecting a facial filler fills the trough, and the new fullness between the outer layer of skin and the capillaries underneath diminishes the darkness. The picture below shows this correction, and while you may still need some make-up, the troughing is clearly gone, and vitality returns. :)  The improvement is immediate with filler but give yourself a few days to allow the tissue to heal from the inflammation. Due to the thinness of the skin in this area, there could also be some bruising but nothing a bit of corrective color won’t camouflage! Before you know it, people will be saying, “You look so rested! What have you done?

Loose & Crepey Skin—Try Halo Pro

The cause: If the tissue under the eyes is loose and crepey it can also make you look tired. The loose skin under your lower eyelid tends to sag and make bags — especially when there is more fluid that is pooling and causing tissues to swell.The Pro-Fix: A Halo Pro procedure with additional laser technique can help tighten the skin. This will require some downtime for healing, but the treatment will reduce the lines and wrinkles, and tighten the skin. The product you put on your skin pre and post-treatment is an essential factor to get the best response, so if you’re considering this, don’t skimp on the supportive skincare products Do you want to find out if you’re a candidate? Schedule a consultation where we will analyze the type of skin you have, check the current condition of your skin, evaluate for volume loss—we’d be happy to evaluate and advise you! 


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