5 Ways to Get A Younger-Looking Neck (Without Plastic Surgery)

Tired of being so self conscious about your neck? Looking for a way to achieve a younger-looking neck without plastic surgery? This one's for you!

If you look below a person's chin line, you will likely see a reflection of their actual age. Why do I say that? As you may know, there are many aesthetic treatments to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, replace volume loss, reduce sagging and creases, and improve the texture and tone of the skin. And of course, then there is the most dramatic treatment, a complete facelift! With these treatments, we certainly can reduce the evidence of our age on our faces, which is excellent news! But what happens when the eye drops to the neckline? 

It makes me think of a bobblehead. There is an obvious separation and loose attachment of the head to the body, and the clear difference pulls our attention. Although perhaps that isn't an appealing analogy, I have seen (and you may have as well) an amazingly youthful face on a much older-looking neck.

I would say that three out of four of our clients express dissatisfaction with the appearance and feel of their neck. Specifically, they are unhappy with:

  • Submental fat also called "chin chub" or a "double chin."

  • Lax skin and folds

  • Wrinkles also called "necklace" lines

  • Roughness and discoloration

Four Treatment Options for a Younger Looking Neck

Good news! There are treatments and products to help you manage the changes in your neck and dècolletè skin.

1. Kybella to Reduce Fat

We can reduce the "chin chub" with Kybella, an injectable that dissolves fat cells, causing them never to return! Kybella also causes some tightening to the skin in the area of treatment. It usually requires two to four treatments, depending on the degree of submental fat. We often find that smaller and/or younger double chins respond best to Kybella.

2. CoolSculpting to Reduce Fat

CoolSculpting will reduce fat under the chin and is approved by the FDA to bring some tightening as well. It will likely also require multiple treatments depending on the degree of submental fat. The decision to use either Kybella or CoolScultping for a younger-looking neck is best evaluated at a consultation where the fat's width, height, and depth can be seen.When we have more skin than the tissue it covers and that skin is thinning, there will be wrinkles and sagging. Genetics, sun damage, and the "blessing of more years" all contribute to these undesired issues. Plastic surgery will provide the most tightening, but for those who do not want to have surgery or are looking for a more budget-friendly path to a younger-looking neck, the following will slow down or reverse some of the evidence of aging you'd like to avoid.

3.Alastin Restorative Neck Complex to Improve Texture and Firmness

These are the kind of results you can't get with over-the-counter products! Applied twice daily Alastin's neck cream shows amazing improvement in skin texture while firming, reducing wrinkles, and brightening the skin. Using a product is the conservative method and will require patience.

4.BBL to Reduce Discoloration

For discoloration of reds or browns, a BBL (Broadband Light Treatment) will diminish, if not remove this. Two to four weeks apart, a series of two to three treatments may be needed when treating more significant damage.

5.Halo Pro to Address Texture, Tone, and Tightness

Sciton's Halo Pro addresses the texture, thinning, AND skin tone issues with the most punch! One or two of these, 8-12 weeks apart, goes a long way to smooth, firm, reduce wrinkles, and brighten the area.So there you have it! You can achieve a younger-looking neck with any or all of these treatments (and hopefully never get the bobblehead look)! Hold your head high and appreciate your blessings! To schedule a consultation to find out which treatment options is best for you, call us at (740) 774-7444 or send us note!


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