Helping You Lose Weight–Meet Monesa

I’ve heard it so many times over the years at New Image, at Madsen Medical, at family functions, out with friends, at church - pretty much anywhere and everywhere!

“I can’t lose weight.”“I’ve tried everything, nothing works.”“I don’t eat much, but I still gain weight.”“I exercise all the time but it doesn’t matter, I still can’t lose weight.”“My doctor tells me I need to lose weight but I just can’t.”“I give up; I’m just stuck this way, it’s just the way I am.”“I used to be thin and weighed 50 pounds less than I do now, but since having kids...”Have you said any of these things or heard others say them? I have.  Have you tried to encourage someone you love of their worth and beauty in spite of their size and how badly they feel about themselves? It’s an uphill battle, and they rarely believe you.Size is not just about aesthetic beauty and what culture dictates we should look like, it’s also about our health and the functioning of our bodies. Having excess weight contributes to high blood pressure (as in my case), diabetes, inflammation processes, joint problems, lack of energy and physical ability, and stamina (to name a few!) AND often it affects our self-confidence and how we interact with others.

There's an answer–and it's not a diet.

And I was fortunate enough to be introduced to her and the Healthy Habits Program.I lost 20 pounds and brought my blood pressure down into a normal range. But more than that, (MUCH more than that!):
  • I feel so much better outwardly and inwardly
  • I know how to maintain my ideal weight and have developed healthier habits, and
  • I showed someone very dear to me the answer too!  

That ‘someone’ happens to be my daughter, and she has lost nearly 50 pounds and feels beautiful again. And that makes this mother very happy, as it does her husband and boys. She has found energy, zest and new confidence in front of the mirror.For me and my daughter, the answer came via a certified health coach who has become a dear friend and a help to so many.  

Meet Monesa Skocik.  

She is the newest member of our New Image team.  She has extensive knowledge and experience helping countless people find optimal health, which often includes weight loss.  Dr. Madsen and I love helping our clients be encouraged and gain confidence with the treatments and products we provide at New Image. And with the addition of Coolsculpting this year we have added another facet of treatment to help us in our mission to do so. Sometimes, as we focus on our bodies, beyond skin deep, there is a need for “shrinking” more than Coolsculpting can accomplish alone. And so with our newest team member, Monesa, you now have a resource to successfully and permanently reduce your weight and find that amazing optimal health that will truly shine from the inside out!  

Check out a few before and afters here.

 Please feel encouraged, hopeful, and even excited to meet Monesa and allow her to walk you through to achieving your own optimal health. And in the meantime, we can continue to work on those resistant pockets of fat that don’t want to change no matter what you do with CoolSculpting. It truly is an amazing treatment!   Monesa + CoolSculpting...what a dynamic duo! I’m excited, and I hope you are too!  If you haven’t already, call for your complimentary Coolsculpting assessment and I will introduce you to Monesa too.And if you have already had your assessment, or even some treatment but desire to transform your health with the Healthy Habits Program, I can hook you up as well!  You will love her I’m certain, and your body will love you for making healthy changes!

you're invited! rsvp by jan 2nd

Coming SOON on January 4th, we are hosting a Healthy Happy Hour at New Image where we will talk about CoolSculpting and the Healthy Habits Program Monesa leads. As we try to make all our events, it will be fun, informative and relaxed!  
  • You can see pictures of CoolSculpting results, check out the machine, and meet people that have been, or are in the Healthy Habits Program now (plus, of course meet Monesa!)
  • It’s an open house style between 6pm and 7:30 pm.
  • Promotional pricing that evening for Coolsculpting saving up to $250 per cycle purchased!
  • For those who sign up to begin the Healthy Habits program at the event, there will be DOUBLE the promotional credit that evening

Plus, those who RSVP will be entered in a drawing for a FREE CoolSculpting cycle ($750 value!) that may be used toward their purchase or a friend’s purchase of a CoolSculpting package, Habits of Health Book, and a box of Optimal Health bars.

Limited space, so don’t hesitate! Please RSVP by calling Kim at 740.774.7444.


Why We Are Who We Are


Liposuction VS CoolSculpting: Here’s the Skinny