3 Life Lessons I’ve Learned This Year

Having Turned 60 This Year Was A “Whoa!!!!” Moment For Me. And As People Ask Me About Our Plans For Retirement My Response Is: ”What?”

 We are not considering retiring anytime soon and although I have learned that ongoing challenges and learning is a good thing, I've also realized that I need to make choices of what and when based on what has value to me, not based on age or expectation or anything else for that matter! This year, as I enter a new decade, has called for reflection and in that process I've noticed three things that have been powerful lessons for me so far. 

Lesson #1  – You’re never too old to learn something completely new.

 I think we all would agree that we’re never too old to learn new things or in other words “old dogs (or shall we say “dogs blessed with more years”) CAN learn new tricks. Bailey, our 12-year-old cocker spaniel, that many of you know has learned that if he hangs out with Dr. Madsen, gets to eat MORE then when he’s with me! lol   And this “blessed with more years” chick has learned–or shall I say been reminded–that when I hang out with my husband, AKA Dr. Madsen that I get to learn MORE new things too, which keep me busy. Really busy! lol   You may have noticed we now have two new treatments at New Image that came at nearly the same time towards the end of April that have kept me on my toes. 

  • Halo is the new amazing hybrid fractional laser that teaches our skin to look and feel younger AND it has much less downtime for you. We’ve been learning new techniques with our new Sciton Profile laser and a new protocol to help the skin to regenerate easier and in less time. That change is definitely good!  
  • Secondly, we also brought CoolSculpting into the practice and I am now a CoolSculpting specialist with Advanced Training from CoolSculpting University. It is true that we can shrink our fat cells by changing the way we eat and therefore shrinking in size OR we can freeze that pinchable fat with CoolSculpting so it will never return, and of course a great combo is doing both. So, there are now options in how we chose to shrink in size and I like the permanent kind!

 This “old dog” has also learned how to eat differently to manage my energy consumption and therefore manage my fat storage quantity which is pretty important if we want to maintain our shrinking and sculpting.  

Lesson #2 – Change can be challenging, even painful, but change is what makes us better.

 Most of us in America like to do as we please when we please and not suffer any consequences but of course we all know that is not how it works. Change can be challenging and even painful, whether it’s a change of eating habits, skin care habits, laser treatments and/or CoolSculpting. But ultimately, change makes us better which I continue to learn being married to the ‘change agent’ that I am! lol 

Lesson #3 – Accomplishing “things” has value to me only when I can live life with people along the way.

 I realized this year that when considering workload and personal value/satisfaction, that time spent with people interacting, encouraging and speaking about life is what makes me tick. Of course family comes first trailed closely by my co-workers, my church family and always our New Image clients who often feel like friends:) Being challenged, stretched, and even enduring some pain along the way is a good thing to get to a desired endpoint or life experience and usually takes time - that ever speeding along and sometimes elusive element! So take a breath, evaluate, strategize, identify your desires, and rest in your decision. If you are considering any of our promo treatments this month along your path we’re here to walk you through it. You may endure a bit of discomfort, but I promise in the end it is worth it when you decide it’s good for you. 

Be blessed, and we’ll do our best to bless you along the way!


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3 Life Lessons I’ve Learned This Year