“All in the family” means different things to different people.

For some not too young, it hearkens back to a TV show with Archie & Edith Bunker. Although completely politically incorrect, rough around the edges, and cringe worthy in attitudes towards different people groups, nevertheless fiercely loyal to the family!  A couple of generations doing life together, seeing things differently but loyal to one another even so.All in the family to us, as I’m sure to many other families, is defined as living life together, celebrating accomplishments, welcoming new life, mourning the loss of loved ones, lovingly correcting one another when we’re teetering on the edge of attitudinal (yes, none of us are immune to that human plight) fighting thru life’s disappointments and challenges all the while understanding despite our individual God given gifts and differences of opinion, we are better and stronger together as a family unit, then apart.

Families come in all shapes and sizes and configurations and we can say even outside our familial blood lines. Perhaps you have a church family or a work family, a neighborhood family or organizational family… in essence any group of people that “lives life with you” and cares for one another.

I love the feeling of family and hope that you can say the same. God created family to help us walk thru life together. There is strength and support in the family, whatever definition yours may have. Dr. Madsen and I see this in many areas of our life and none more then when we hold our annual Girl’s Night In… did you make it this year?

If you did or have in the past you have seen nearly our entire nuclear family with us, daughters Heidi and Tiffany, and son-in-laws Nick (Dr Benner) and Matt, son Noah and daughter-in-law Nicole (the creators of this annual event) and this year their son, our newest addition, Finn, our 3rd grandson just 5 weeks old at the time! Our other 2 grandsons gladly stayed with their other “mammaw” for the evening :) We even had the pleasure of assistance from my two sisters, Kim and Holly and Holly’s husband Greg! We couldn’t have this event without them!

Many things go on at this event including some special pricing promotions which we gladly share with our New Image “family”.

If you missed it, we are giving you an opportunity to take advantage of some in house promotions this week while Dr. Madsen and I scurry off with our grandkids to Disney World for a couple of days. We’re going to think younger and act younger at that magical place… you can do the same by investing in products or services that help you slow down the evidence of the inevitable… being blessed with more years.

This week only:

(Last Day To Buy Is This Friday November 4th, 2016)

Allergan family of products (Botox,  Voluma, Juvederm, Volbella, Kybella, SkinMedica products, and Latisse) can be purchased as follows:Botox: Buy 20 units ($200) and get 25 units when you come in for treatment (a $50 savings) AND you’ll get your 200 BD points that means $20 off in the future!Voluma (for cheek volume loss): Buy 2 syringes normally $1400 for $1275 ($125 savings)Juvederm: Buy 1 syringe for $475 or 2 for $925 (up to $125 savings)Volbella: (the latest filler specifically for lip lines:  Buy 1 syringe for $300 ($50 savings)Kybella: (the double chin fat dissolver): Buy 2 vials normally $1200 for $995($205 savings)**ask Kim about our limited number of $100 off BD vouchers when receiving 2 different injectables on the same day or $100 off KybellaSkinMedica products: Buy 1 regularly priced product and get a second 50% off (must be equal or lesser value)Latisse: Buy 1 5cc Kit of Latisse normally $164 for $150 and get a voucher for a 3 cc kit for FREE.($124 savings)

***Special prices good thru Friday, Nov 4, 2016. Purchase now, schedule later. All treatments must be used by Feb 28, 2017

Our way of letting you know we’re glad you’re a part of our New Image family!!A family support group is invaluable. It brings joys and challenges and always blessings.  Survey your life and see where your “family” is and be thankful for the wonder of this group of people in your life.-Roxy


All I Want For Christmas Is My 2 Front Teeth


Rain Rain Go Away!