If Hair Removal Right For You?

“I wish I may, I wish I might, I wish this facial hair was gone tonight!” Oh that it could be that easy for the millions of women that struggle with unwanted facial hair. For a man to have a 5 o’clock shadow and/or be scruffy is great, but for a woman it’s a nightmare! So many women I’ve talked to at New Image come in with their head hanging as they talk about how they hate the hair that makes them feel less then beautiful and confident.They come in all ages, as young as 13 and as “mature” as 70+. No matter the age the reaction is the same. . .”I hate this hair! I’m so afraid people see it”. “Everyday I have to inspect my face and pluck or shave!!”. “I’m afraid to look in the mirror during the day for fear I’ll see another hair”. “It’s just not right! I’m not supposed to have hair on my face!! Why do I?” “I’ve had electrolysis and boy does that hurt!” “I’m tired of waxing or shaving!” “I’ll do anything to get rid of this!” There are options beyond shaving, plucking and waxing.

First question we have for our potential hair removal clients is, what color is the hair? It must be dark red, brown, or black. The laser light will not find the follicle and kill it if there isn’t darker pigment in the hair shaft. For women with light red, blonde, white, or gray hair we do not advise the treatment for this reason. . .they will get very little if any response and they will be more discouraged after spending the money without results.

There is a topical growth inhibitor cream called Vaniqa that helps but at this time there is no technology that will effectively reduce the light hair. That is a hard thing to tell a woman, but that is the truth.You can have hair removal treatments anywhere there is unwanted hair. Although we don’t do eyebrows, if someone has a unibrow the area between the eyes can be treated. For anyone wanting to reduce the amount of shaving needed on the underarms or legs or bikini area this time of year is a good time to start since we are now in the season of sleeves and long pants.When having hair removal treatments you must be protected from the sun 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after each treatment which is easier in this season. If you start in the next month or so and stay on schedule your 6 treatments should be done by next spring/summer. Then perhaps it can be said, “I wish I may, I wish I might, so glad that hair is gone tonight!!”Give us a call to schedule a consultation or a “chat” Just Between Us Girls”.


First Repair, Then Rehydrate And Renew